One Element Every Opt-In Should Have
If you're not adding this one easy-to-implement element on your opt-in, you'll turn away potential clients. This means less money for your business. Don't believe me? Let me tell you a personal story about how a respected business lost me as a potential client and how they easily could've prevented this.
I'm not the best planner, so I thought I'd download this 30-day kickass planner that's going to get me back on track with goals. But after one look at the first page, it’s stayed buried in a sea of open Chrome tabs, and I’m not sure I’ll look at it again.
The planner is a nicely-designed, free opt-in download. It's sleek and attractive, and I was pretty excited to get started. I’d downloaded it from a respected business that has a great social media presence. Knowing what it takes to run a business and its social media smoothly requires planning.
I couldn’t go wrong with their planner, so I was excited to start writing.
I went to do the day's first activity, a writing prompt. There were lines there, waiting for my response. But I couldn't give it one. I couldn't interact with this beautiful document that promised me goal-planning success, exactly what I needed!
This is all bad. Bad bad bad bad. But why?
An opt-in is your ONE chance to dazzle them, to show them what change you're capable of providing. It's the gateway to your sales funnel, and if it falls on its face? Well, that's not a good first impression, is it?
Couldn't I have printed it? Yeah. But I'm out of ink. And I don't want to waste paper on something that might not be worth it. And I care about the environment, so I don't wanna waste paper. And. And. And.
Can't I go back to it later? Sure. If I have the time. And it's not forgotten about. Or it doesn't get buried in my Google Drive, resurfacing only when I attempt to clean it up a year and a half from now.
Why bother paying for nice graphics to use on the opt-in? The time it took to hook it all up between the website and email delivery system? The time/money spent on promoting the opt-in?
If it doesn't interact with every lead immediately, you lose more potential leads than you realize.
Static documents that should be interactive but aren’t = death to your opt-in/potential leads/money in the bank.
If you're not adding interactivity to your opt-ins, consider the impact not doing so has on your business.
Adding Interactivity to Opt-Ins
Interested in creating interactive documents? It’s easy once you understand what to do.
Watch the below video that will show you how to create interactive opt-ins in Word, Nuance (similar to Adobe), and the free online program PDFescape. Then send your beautiful baby out into the world to be appreciated and loved!
Note: I am not paid to endorse these products.