Not Proofreading? Your Business Suffers From It


Your marketing content is the face you present to the world. It’s your first impression, except more precious.

When meeting someone for the first time, face-to-face, you’re able to engage in conversation longer by reacting to bodily clues and relying on social standards. And there are more chances to engage with that person later, if you’re both still in the same physical location.

Online, seconds to grab and keep your reader’s attention. Social standards in the digital world are easier to break than meeting face-to-face. Meaning that awesome screen saving you from interaction with thousands becomes the pesky screen blocking you from money. That screen allows your reader to move along without feeling rude or obligated to engage. But, presenting a polished, professional look is more attractive to the eye, which translates to a better first impression. Marketing content riddled with spelling errors and grammar missteps leaves your reader confused and it diminishes your credibility.

For more detailed reasons on why proofreading and editing your content is crucial to making money in business, take a look at my article, 3 Reasons You NEED to Proofread Your Marketing Copy.

So, have you been proofreading your marketing content? Or have you been slapping it up there, hoping it’ll read as conversationalist?

I challenge you to proofread your marketing, at least 1 read-through, for 1 week.

That’t it. Then, compare your marketing from the week before to the proofread week.

You’ll notice a big difference in the quality of your marketing! Promise.